Albert Einstein: The Smartest Man To Ever Live

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Albert Einstein: The Smartest Man to Ever Live

Tyler Odum
Senior Division
Historical Paper
Paper Length: 1754 Words
Albert Einstein was arguably the smartest man to have ever lived. His theories and discoveries wowed the world on numerous occasions. Whether he truly was the smartest man in existence or not, he definitely left his mark on the world and on the scientific community. With that in mind, Albert Einstein remains one of the greatest scientists because he revolutionized the field of physics, and changed our view of how the universe works.
Albert Einstein was born on March 14th, 1879, in Ulm Württemberg, Germany (Kaku). He lived until he was 72 years of age. He could have lived longer if he had had surgery but …show more content…

Citations-Primary Sources

Einstein, Albert. "Atomic War." Atlantic Monthly 1 Nov. 1947: n. pag. Web. 19 Oct. 2014. I used this because it showed Einstein 's views on war, being a lifelong pacifist

Einstein, Albert. "Einstein: Science and Religion." German League of Human Rights. Berlin. Web. 19 Oct. 2014. I used this because it showed Einstein 's views on religion. This helped with the background research.

Einstein, Albert. "Does The Inertia Of A Body Depend Upon Its Energy-Content?" 27 Sept. 1905. Lecture. This lecture given by Albert Einstein gave insight into how he thought and explained his theory

Einstein, Albert. "Fundamental Ideas and Problems with the Theory of Relativity." Nordic Assembly of Naturalists. Gothenburg. 11 July 1932. Web. I used this because it explained Einstein 's theory

Einstein, Albert. Letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt. 8 Feb. 1939. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. PBS. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.
I used this because it provided information on Einstein 's involvement in the atom bomb.

"Nobel Prize in Physics - Presentation Speech." Nobel Media. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.
I used this because it summed up some of Einstein 's