New York World Fair Research Paper

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In 1939 the president of the us was Franklin D. Roosevelt.And the vice president was john Nance Garner. April 30, 1939 The New York World's Fair opens for its two year run. This world's fair, spectacularly conceived for the Meadows trash dump made famous by F. Scott Fitzgerald in Queen's, New York. in August 2, 1939 Albert Einstein alerts Franklin D. Roosevelt to an A-bomb opportunity, which led to the creation of the Manhattan Project. Einstein had arrived as a fugitive from the Nazi six years earlier on October 17, 1933.On April 30, 1939, the day that New York’s World Fair opened the American public was introduced to the first U.S. television broadcast. In 1939 the first electron microscope was invented.In September 5, 1939 the United