Attached: The Power Of The Subconscious Mind

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When you follow your bliss it allows your subconscious mind to open to dream big and attract back to you that which you want. This week focus on following your bliss, by doing something each day that brings a smile to your face. Attached is a short video of this week’s lesson.

The Subconscious mind is robust and extremely powerful. By tapping into its immense powers you will unleash your ability to create your life in great detail. Each thought you have either good or bad, stirs energizing emotions which accelerate your intention by attracting back to you that which you are feeling about.

We have two minds, the conscious mind and subconscious mind. The conscious mind is like a tip of a massive iceberg above sea level and the subconscious …show more content…

If you constantly worry about money your subconscious will react accordingly, you will continue to struggle with hardship to have financial security and when you feel secure with money, you’ll naturally be able to be financially set.
When your habitual thoughts are imprinting positive thoughts about money into your subconscious mind, then you will improve your financial status by attracting to you more money. This concept applies to all aspect of your life, from better health, more loving relationships to more wealth. There isn’t a single aspect in your life that the power of your mind does not have a direct correlation to.
The subconscious mind doesn’t “care” if a thought is good or bad and it doesn’t know the difference between make-believe and reality, everything you think about is “reality” to the mind. It reacts to the energy frequencies of thought each moment of the day. Luckily because our thoughts are powerful we can change anything about our lives we desire by merely changing our thoughts. As Dr. Wayne Dyer explains, “When you change the way you look at things the things you look at