Attention Getter For Children In Poverty

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Children in Poverty
I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter
According to the Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon that can be used to change the world” (Sangonet, 2009). Need I also remind all of us here that a Wiseman once said that ignorance is not bliss. How many of us here do not know or see on a daily basis, the value or importance of education in their lives?
B. Audience Relevance
The ensuing speech is of great relevance to my audience since they need to know the value and importance of educating children living in abject poverty. Consequently, my speech is also important as it will help my audience learn and know the avenues available for educating those children living in abject poverty.
C. Speaker Credibility
As the orator …show more content…

Hence, children living in poverty should also be educated come rain or shine. Poor children are discriminated against in their pursuit of education as they are often not able to foot their school fees. The latter makes poor children receive low-quality education from inept teachers who are incapable of imparting the right education and skills to them. The solution to this problem is that poor children should be sponsored by well-wishers and other able persons as a way of making them access education. Consequently, they could also join organizations like the Head Start Organization, which support and back poor children on matters related to education and health. As John Dewey put it, Education is not preparation for life, education life itself. References
Bruner, J. S. (1996). The culture of education. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Retrieved November 30, 2016
Haycock, K., & Peske, H. G. (2006). Teaching inequality: how poor and minority students are shortchanged on teacher quality. Washington, DC: The Education Trust. Retrieved November 30, 2016
Murnane, R. J. (2007). Improving the education of children living in poverty. The Future of Children, 17(2), 161-182. Retrieved November 30, 2016
Sangonet. (2009). Education the most powerful weapon to change the world. Retrieved November 30, 2016, from Sangonet: