Creative Writing: A Homeless Man

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(MARCUS, LIZ, and DENIS are all siblings. They 're standing in the doorway of the train exit. A Homeless Man occasionally walks up and down the aisle.)Man 's Voice (v.o.)Attention passengers. The train is waiting for another train to move. We thank you for your patience.MArcus(to himself)For Christ 's sake!denis(to himself)It 's like the whole world detests us...liz(to herself)Week long suspension here we come. What 's this the third time we 're late?DENISFourth.LIZThank you, Denis!MARCUSDon 't get mad at him it 's not his fault we 're late.(After a pause homeless man walks up to MARCUS)Homeless manExcuse me, do you have any change?MARCUSNo.(Homeless man walks away)LIZ(to Marcus)This is why I said we should 've left early.MARCUSSays the …show more content…

It 's always your hair, your clothes, your shoes, I keep telling Denis we should just leave you.LIZI need to pick up the slack for the rest of the family.MARCUSThere you go blaming everyone but yourself, can 't you just be humble for once and just admit that it 's your fault.(Homeless man walks up to LIZ)HOMELESS MANExcuse me do you have any cha...MARCUS(to homeless man)No! We don 't have any change! What the hell is wrong with you! Go be homeless somewhere else!(Homeless man walks away to a seat)LIZThat was mean.DENISI don 't approve.MARCUSHe deserved it!MAN 'S VOICE (V.O.)Attention passengers. The train will be delayed until further notice. We thank you for your patience.LIZWonderful, we 're definitely gonna be late now, mom 's gonna kill us.DENIS(To himself)I was just getting to the last level of Donkey King 4. Now it 's gonna rot away in a pawnshop.MARCUSWhat 's the worst she could do? I 'm still grounded from the last time we were late.LIZWhen we went to see that thriller?MARCUSYup!LIZGood times.DENISWhat thriller? I don 't …show more content…

The train is continuing on course. Thank you for your patience.DENISYes!LIZWe 're not gonna get suspended!MARCUS(to himself)I can 't believe that actually worked...(Homeless man wakes up and starts looking through the lunch bag)LIZ(to Marcus)Look how happy you made him.MARCUSYeah. Yeah.(Homeless man crushes the bag of food and throws it)MARCUS(to Homeless Man)You ungrateful motherfucker!LIZUhhh Marcus.MARCUSYou said you were hungry, but when I give you my food you just crumble it up and throw it to the side!DENISMarcus.MARCUSYou deserve to be homeless!LIZ AND DENISMarcus!MARCUSBecause you 're just a useless ungrateful bag of shi...(The train jolts to a stop)MAN 'S VOICE (V.O.)Attention passengers. The train appears to be experiencing some technical difficulties. Please wait patiently until we solve the problem. (lights)END OF