Attraction Bias Research Paper

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Does attractiveness relate to perceived guilt and punishment severity?

"Attraction Bias in Academic Offences"
This research had a purpose to investigate whether or not attraction bias exists in an academic format and whether or not it influences the severity of punishment and perceived guilt of an accused individual. To do this we had participants rate the attractiveness of an individual whose photo was provided (Appendix 1a) we then had them rate the individual twice more after the participant found out they were accused of an academic offence. (Appendix 2a,Appendix 2b) it was done in this order to prevent any demand characteristics from occurring. I found that there was no correlation at all between attraction and perceived guilt …show more content…

Opportunity sampling was used to collect the participants as this provided the quickest and most efficient means of collecting people who fit the required criteria (Non Psychology student, no background in psychology). The mean age of these participants is 19.2 and the standard deviation was 1.7 and there were no gender or ethnic specificities.
An image of a woman (appendix 4a)for male participants and an image of a male(Appendix 4b) for female participants (Male image not used due to no female participants) both images were randomly collected from the internet by myself from a non-copyright site. An exam invigilators report was also given for free use in the experiment. Three separate rating scales were also given to each participant for the test, as well as an informed consent form and a debrief form.
The procedure took place in a quiet environment such as a living room or an empty classroom
A set of standardized instructions were read aloud to the participants at each stage of the experiment by the experimenter.(Appendix 1b) The participants were tested one at a …show more content…

Please rate the ‘attractiveness’ of the person in the photo on the following scale by marking the horizontal line somewhere between ‘Extremely unattractive’ and
‘Extremely attractive’

Extremely unattractive Extremely attractive

Appendix 1b: General Instructions for Option 1

These are the general instructions which you should give to each of your participants:

“Thanks for taking part in this study. In a second, I will give you some text to read.
The text has been written by an Exam Invigilator at University of Southsea who suspects that the person in the photograph you have just rated was cheating during an exam. Please read the Exam Invigilator’s statement. Following this, I will ask you some questions about the case.”

Appendix 2a: Severity of penalty scale.

The University of Southsea disciplinary panel has ruled that the person in the photo did cheat in the exam as other evidence came to light later on which confirms that the