The Influence Of Disgust In Criminal Justice

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Disgust is mostly considered a basic emotion, which has not had much attention before. However, some legal scholar has started to study the relationship between disgust and its influence in the legal situation such as the effect that it have on the selected jurors in a case. According to Inbar and Pizarro authors of article “Grime and Punishment”, they are three type of disgust, which are the following: Core disgust, moral disgust, and disgust as a “behavioral immune system”. The moral disgust conflicts with legal decisions because it affects a person's moral view. Evidence show that moral disgust can harsher one’s moral view, and can be a way to apply retributivism in criminal justice.
Retributivism is the idea that one should be punished as one deserved, which is defined by one’s past actions. The principal of desert according to James Rachel is “The key idea is that people deserve to be treated in the same way that they voluntarily choose to treat others.” Philosophers such as Immanuel Kant also believe that punishment should be weighted by one’s past action. …show more content…

Disgust is one of the emotion that legal workers manipulate in order to apply retributivism. In occasions such as in courtrooms, the jurors and judge moral judgment can be affected by the emotion of disgust. In the article “Grime and Punishment” authors Indar and Pizarro said that “A fair amount of research is converging on the conclusion that feeling core disgust seems to make us harsher moral judges.”. An example it is shown in every courtroom when the attorneys manipulate the emotion of disgust to their advantage. Presenting evidence of the "unspeakable" disgusting things committed by the