Pros And Cons Of Retributive Justice

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Today our justice system has a multitude of options when dealing with those who are convicted of offenses. However, many argue that retributive justice is the only real justice there is. This is mainly because its advantage is that it gives criminals the appropriate punishment that they deserve. The goals of this approach are clear and direct. In his book The Little Book of Restorative Justice, Zehr Howard (2002), illustrates that the central focus of retributive justice is offenders getting what they deserve (p. 30). This reflection paper will first address the advantages of using retributive justice approach in three court-cases. Second, it will discuss the disadvantages of using retributive justice approaches by analyzing the three court-cases listed above. Third, it will elaborate on ways that the system could have used restorative justice processes in the cases, as well as present potential outcomes that could have been reached if restoration justice was taken into consideration. First, during lecture three, we talked about the notion of just deserts. We said that retributive justice is a matter of giving those who commit crimes against humanity what they deserve. Hence, the advantages of taking a retributive approach falls under that notion. Pros of using retributive justice approach • Assault: Setting example - a prison sentence provides immediate punishment. It will leave the offender with no doubt that hurting someone is not acceptable. Also, it will be a warning