
Attraction In Dante's Inferno

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In today’s world it seems as if every movie, every book, every play, and every television show has a love interest. Does every story line really need to be about love? It is not an obligation that every story line has to involve a love attraction, but having that love experience makes the story more relatable and more believable. Humans feel emotions like hate, happiness, and even love, so when love is absent in a story line, it feels like something is missing. In order to make a story flow and come together, it must contain a love interest because love effects the whole plot just like it affected the people who ended up in Dante’s inferno, and just like how love affected Don Quixote’s life majorly. Dante’s Inferno Level 2 is made up of the lustful sinners where they will spend an eternity. Love and/or an attraction has affected their live tremendously. “Between love and lust, between the ennobling power of attraction toward the beauty of a whole person and the destructive force of possessive sexual desire. The lustful in hell, whose actions often led them and their lovers to death, are "carnal sinners who subordinate reason to desire" (). Dante recognizes how much the romantic love image effects humans. The attraction to the fruit off of the Tree of Good and Evil has made such an impact all beginning with the fall of …show more content…

Love is what makes up the stories. Love is when the medieval knight usually swears his undying love to a beautiful maiden. Don Quixote swears his undying love to Dulcinea Del Toboso. It is this love which keeps the knight alive in the course of his wanderings “(). Don Quixote was in love with Dulcinea Del Taboso, and he spent all of his time trying to perform great deeds so he could impress Dulcinea. He went around trying to break a curse that had been casted upon his beloved lover. His undying love for Dulcinea affected his life, his journey in an incredible

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