
Audrey Hepburn Research Paper Outline

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I. “Opportunities don’t often come along, so when they do, you must grab them.” – Audrey Hepburn.
When most people think of Audrey Hepburn, they think of the talented actress that once lit up the stage, which she was plus a lot more. Actress, fashion icon, activist – these are three of the many things that Audrey Hepburn was known for and still is known for to this day.
II. Audrey Kathleen Ruston – also known as Audrey Hepburn – was born on May 4, 1929 in Belgium. From early on, her mother had enrolled her in dance classes, which audreyhepburn.com says she was passionate about.
a. According to audreyhepburn.com, dance offered Audrey something stable in her bumpy childhood. Her brothers were in the war, her father abandoned the family, and she and her mother were living with her grandparents. Certainly, all of these things combined did not prove to be of much stability, but Audrey kept on going, and on her 16th birthday, Holland – her home – was liberated.
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The liberation allowed Audrey to take a better look at her dream, which was to be a ballerina. However, the deprivation of the war had some lasting effects. Weighing less than 100 pounds, Audrey was told that she could not be a ballerina.
c. This did not stop her, she was determined to put her skills to use, and this determination brought her to be cast in “High Button Shoes”.
d. According to Audrey, she had been “working like an idiot” during those times. Between modeling, movement classes, and her acting career slowly beginning, she was doing just that.
e. By the time she was 22 years old, she had been cast in five

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