Aura By Carlos Fuentes: Mexican History

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Marco Pérez Dr. Rony Garrido The short novel, Aura, by Carlos Fuentes creates a mythical reality to reference Mexican history. He uses Aura, Felipe Montero, and Consuelo as a reflection of the past and the present, where for example, Consuelo represents the past and Felipe the present. In this paper I will explain how the love story of Felipe, Aura, and Consuelo represent Mexican history. In addition this paper will explain how myth breaks down into different elements, such as religion, legends, traditions, and beliefs, all of which are manifested in the different characters and their actions within this novel. Carlos Fuentes applies a cyclical view to Mexican history using Felipe and Llorente, and Consuelo and Consuelo. The first …show more content…

In this part of the novel magical realism is present with certain situation that happen thought out this chapter. We can relate these movements to Mexico’s mythological believe. Jacqueline Fotes de Leff and Emma Espejel Aco wrote an article “Cultural Myths and Social Relationships in Mexico: A Context for Therapy” in this article the authors explain how myths influence family ideology, the authors states, “Myths develop from universal idea related to life, death and links in general, like union and separation. They can also be constructed based on historic elements that can be ambiguous or painful (Levy-strauss, 1968, 1969) or around missing elements in the history of individuals (Andolfi 1989). The events that happen in the house that are mysterious to Montero can be link to Jacquline and Emma research. In relation to Mexico as well, myths play a huge role in society. At one point in this chapter a flood of light in Montero room awakes him. He then walks to his bathroom to hear a yowling. He tries to locate the noise to see where is coming from but can’t, he trys opening the door hallway, but can’t hear anything from there. He then jumps up on to a desk in his room to a window and pulls himself up to look out at the side garden. He sees five, six, seven cats. As he gets down he wonders if he really saw the amount of cats, or in general saw cats. Late we come to realize the Consuelo tells Montero that there is no garden, that the house does not have a garden, they lost the garden when they build up all about them referring to the