Auschwitz Birkenau Essay

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Auschwitz Birkenau The Largest Killing Center Leland Reed Mrs. Wright English I Honors April 6, 2023 The largest killing center that has ever existed. In World War II millions of innocent lives were lost. A lot of Jews lost their lives in killing centers, but none were worse than Auschwitz-Birkenau. Auschwitz killed around 1.1 million people in the war in diverse types of ways. Countless numbers of Jews were held against their will just waiting to be killed. (News, 2023) The top three ways Jews were killed at Auschwitz Birkenau were gas chambers, overworking, and shootings. (Museum, 2022) One of the top ways Jews were killed at concentration camps was by gas chambers. Gas chambers caused many lives to end, especially at Auschwitz Birkenau. …show more content…

Someone would have to be extremely lucky not to die at Auschwitz. One of the most common ways people died was by these chambers. Losing family was almost guaranteed, and the hope of not being gassed was on most people's minds. (Venezia, 2011) The Germans would kill around 6,000 people per day at Auschwitz. Over 865,000 people were killed just on arrival. Auschwitz Birkenau was a way to use people for hard labor. They would make the Jews work and then just gas them. It was a terrible act done by the Germans in World War II. When people were taken into the gas chambers, they were forced to take all of their clothes off. There were special undressing rooms that the Jews used just minutes before being gassed. The men that were gassing the innocent people made sure that they were unaware of what was about to happen. After the bodies were gassed and dead, the Germans were not done with them. When all the bodies were fully dead and intoxicated with the Zyklon B gas, they would then proceed to drag all the bodies out. They would then cut off all of the women’s hair and cut out any kind of dental work or jewelry. After all of this, they would throw the bodies in a pit to burn. Bodies that did not burn completely were made into powder and then dumped with all the other ashes. (Museum, Auschwitz Berkenau,