Australia Compared To The World Essay

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Introduction: Has it ever occurred to you that Australia students might not be doing its very best at science, mathematics and reading that they could be doing? Well this has been though and this investigation will be looking at how Australia is going compared to the world. A hypothesis was established to test Australia student’s success in the world. The hypothesis read as follows, “Australia is exceeding in mathematics and science with many new young and bright minds been drawn to its endless complexity.” Method: It was decided that before the big question was explored and questioned, a couple of practices would have to be done. This was achieved by doing two pre tasks, closer to home at Tryhard high school. Both would provide an understanding in comparing, extrapolating, and organizing data. Part A: When …show more content…

It would be expected that Australia’s position in the science and mathematical would be falling. However looking abroad what, are the standards compared to the rest of the world? Using the PISA report of 200, 2003, 2006, 2009, and 2012 the OECD scores of all the major countries, the OECD’s scores can be calculate with how Australia has been doing against the world. (PISA 2012 Results in Focus, 2015) (PISA 2009 Results: What Students Know and Can Do, 2015) (PISA 2006, 2015) (, 2015) (PISA 2000, 2015) Using a sophisticated method all the data was able to be placed in an Excel spread sheet. With individual Years Running along the bottom from resent to old (left to right) and Data in each Spread Sheet. Next the standard deviation of the entire data was taken (Labeled “Standard Deviation”). However the standard deviation of Australia was also taken individually compared to the average OECD results. (Labeled “Standard Deviation Australia”) Lastly the standard deviation of Australia was divided from the rest of the standard deviations, giving a number less than