Essay On Australian Identity

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We’ve all heard the Australian stereotypes. But where do the stereotypes come from? Australia’s identity encompasses many widespread stereotypes, some of which are used advantageously to promote Australia on a global scale. Globally, Australia’s main stream identity is that of a baron outback. Adding to the collective stereotype; bogans and yobbos have played a developmental role in the Australians characteristic identity. Australia has developed an alcoholic culture that has been celebrated and generalized by many others. Beating Around the Bush Based on advertising and movies, Australia has been represented to be an outback country and has generalized its residents to be bushpeople. Throughout the 20th century, the image of ‘The Bushman’ gradually became the most popular portrayal of Australians. Society admired bushmen as they saw them as heroes that work hard and pioneered the land. They were independent and took no notice of authority figures while seeking equality amongst each other. The most common types of bushman were: the explorers, shearers, goldminers and drovers. The bushman stereotype has been portrayed in the movie ‘Crocodile Dundee’. …show more content…

From the 1970’s Australians have been viewed as bush people as they were seeming as heroic and brave. Never the less, internationally, Australians have been showcased as vulgar, racist that have strong pride for their country. Consequently, Australia has also been viewed as an alcoholic nation as companies continuously push the stereotype to market their products. In turn, Australian’s collective identity is made up of multiple other stereotypes that have been fed into. Despite being incorrectly portrayed; the Australian identity has a positive effect on Australian culture. Not only does it bring commercial value, it brings personal identity in the country making it truly unique to