Annotated Bibliography On Stereotypes

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Annotated Bibliography Introduction: Examine different kinds of advertisements and the problem at hand with how they perpetuate stereotypes, such as; gender, race, and religion. Thesis: The problem in society today is in the industry of social media. In efforts to attract the eye of the general population, advertising companies create billboards, commercials, flyers and other ads with stereotypes that are accepted in today’s society. Because of the nations’ cultural expectation for all different types of people, advertisement businesses follow and portray exactly what and how each specific gender, race, or religion should be. Hazell, V., and J. Clarke. "Race and Gender in the Media: A Content Analysis of Advertisements in Two Mainstream Black Magazines." Journal of Black Studies 39.1 (2007): 5-21. Web. 2 Mar. 2015. The studies of this article examine the images of men and women that advertisements perpetuate. Mass media is a widely accessible resource that presents positive and negative portrayals. In today’s society, the traditional differences between genders are constantly reinforced. The male figure is usually characterized as the strong, successful, dominant gender. When advertisements create a target message for men, they exploit the male ego. This means that men are thought provoked to look or be …show more content…

Advertising companies do their research to discover what religious communities represent. This is how they get their ads. These companies can easily portray positive and negative images in representation of different religions across the world. Religious stereotypes are found in all aspects of media such as, magazines, movies, video games, etc. Usually stereotypes are negative. Today, advertisement companies and other media are becoming more diverse and positive in efforts to extinguish negative stereotyping and produce awareness of people’s struggle from the demeaning misrepresentation of their

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