Australia's Coal Industry Research Paper

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Australia Australia is not only a country but also a continent. In fact, Australia is so hot that most people prefer to settle near the coast. Midland Australia is mainly just desert and grassland. That’s why Australia’s natural resources are mostly minerals, because people can easily mine out in the open. Australia has a lot of abundant resources such as, open land, minerals, and beautiful coast lines that would make living in Australia a breeze. In Australia it doesn't rain much and is usually very dry. If somebody lived in Australia chances were they were taught from a young age to save water, because it doesn't rain much in Australia, but when it does it rains for a few hours. Because of the lack of rain/water in …show more content…

Coal is a huge natural resource in Australia, quite frankly just because they have so much of it. ¨As a matter of fact, coal accounted for almost 13% of Australia's total goods and services exports in 2012-13, down from 15% in 2011-12.¨ (, Australia's coal industry). As a matter of fact, most of Australia’s coal is exported to Asia. “Coal is Australia’s fuel of choice for electricity because it’s affordable and reliable.” (, Australia’s coal industry). In addition, another resource is natural gas. Natural gas can be found all over Australia. ¨Natural gas is used to heat homes and power certain types of vehicles.¨ (, Sydney, Australia). There is also a lot of cattle and trees in Australia. Some more resources include, copper, gold, iron ore, oil, lead, uranium, and last but not least, diamonds! Australia uses iron ore to melt down into iron and then there are multiple different ways or uses of this iron. One thing iron can be used for is to make steel. Steel is used to make a lot of different things from automobiles to paper clips. Some people believe Australia is resource dependent. This means that people think that if you took away Australia's resources they would= suffer. Plus, Australia is also one of the world's biggest producers of minerals. Overall, Australia has a ton of