Deadly Unna Quotes

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Deadly Unna by Phillip Gwynne explores racial issues directed at the Indigenous Australians. Gwynne’s story is based on events that occurred in the Yorke Peninsula, South Australia. This book clearly shows that Australia is not the land of the fair go for certain demographics, while other demographics do experience Australia as the land of the fair go. People who have money will experience Australia as the land of the fair go, but the people who do not will not be able to experience Australia as a land of equal opportunity. Indigenous Australians are also included in the demographic of people who cannot experience Australia as the land of the fair go. Australia is the land of the fair go for the white Australians. They had money, optimistic …show more content…

He is one of eight children, his immediate future is not good and has an abusive father. Blacky has seven brothers and sisters, all of whom need things from their mother, whether it be money, a ride or simply attention. With their father always at the pub, there isn’t going to be enough of their mother to go around. Blacky needed an appointment with the orthodontist to fix his self-proclaimed “occipital occlusion”3, but he could not do such because his mother could not afford for the trip to Adelaide or the appointment. Following the book’s conclusion, the near future for Blacky is an optimistic one. He has go home to his abusive father, who he and his siblings have just hit with car, and disobeyed. He has already shown to be an abusive father when he is disappointed. Imagine him when he is furious. They are going to be severely abused, and there will be no one to stop this from happening because their mother is out of town. Australia is anything but the land of the fair go for Blacky. Australia is the land of the fair go for a very select number of demographics, while the other 90% of people experience Australia as anything but. People who cannot experience Australia as the land of the fair go are people that have to deal with abusive fathers, discrimination, being subjected to racism and being part of poor large families. Australia may have been dubbed as the land of the fair go, but Australia is no such