Autism Argumentative Essay

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Feelings of hopelessness and confusion are what come to mind when a parent hears the words “your child has Autism”, but is autism really caused by vaccines, exposure to bad parenting, or caused by a mental disorder. All these are proven by scientist to be false. Many parents are scared. With social media being at its all-time highest in popularity, it makes it an easy escape route to believe just about anything that is said. Most parents misinterpret information online or by word of mouth because they are either easily manipulated or just don’t want to take the time to really learn what is good for them and their child’s health. What my main argument here isn’t to make it sound like parents don’t care about their children, but to give them …show more content…

Parents are very vulnerable when it comes to their child being ill, let alone hearing the words that their child has autism. What most people want to know is how autism works, but more or less what it really is? Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication, as well as by unique strengths and differences. We now know that there is not one autism but many types, caused by different combinations of genetic and environmental influences according to Centers for Disease Control or CDC. So who is at risk and why? What most experts believe, is that there are an enormous amount of possibilities of why autism is diagnosed in a child. However, what is most difficult to pin point is its exact reason why it is …show more content…

Importantly, the increase or decrease in risk appears to be small for any one of these risk factors.” So what does this mean? To clarify children that have the genetic trait of Autism are at an increased risk when certain enviormental situations apply such as advanced parent age in either parent, pregnancy and birth complications, for example, being born premature, and lastly pregnancies spaced less than a year apart. Two of the three are choices that we have to make as adults, if there is a risk for autism in older adults to choose to have a baby, and pregnancies spaced less than a year apart, then why are vaccines given to children the main focus when parents here the word Autism? We cannot focus our attention on vaccines alone without true facts about the mental disorder of autism. Many pregnant women do not take prenatal vitamins because of what has been rumored to cause autism in their unborn baby. According to the CDC this is false CDC states that there is a decreased risk for those who take prenatal vitamins during pregnancy. People listen too much to what is said by others instead of gathering facts. For example, people would rather take unknown medications from the swap meet to help lower their cholesterol, because the vendor stated it worked, but when a doctor says if you