Autumn Quotes And Analysis

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Autumn represents teenage girls now. They fall in love, out of love, but will always have that one guy in her heart. Autumn shows her attraction to Finny throughout the book. It was understood by everyone that I belonged to Finny and that we belonged together. I had Finny.” ( 8, Nowlin ). Autumn and Finny were always close growing up and doing everything together, but once middle school hit, they ended up joining different friend groups which made them get distant. Her love for Finny didn’t change when they got distant. “I’ve loved him my whole life. It grew with every new longing in my body and desire in my heart until there was not a piece of me that did not love him. And when I look at him, there is no other feeling in me.” ( 179, Nowlin ). …show more content…

He isn’t your Finn. I know that I know. But there is a difference between knowing something and feeling it. I’ve known that he wasn’t my Finn anymore.” (111, Nowlin ). Autumn wrote that in her journal after seeing Finny with another girl her sophomore year. It killed her to see someone she loved with another girl that wasn’t her. Even though they weren’t talking as much anymore, and she had a boyfriend, it still didn’t change the fact she was in love with someone she couldn’t have. It’s not fair, I wasn’t ready, it wasn’t my fault. Did you kiss me because you wanted to kiss a girl or wanted to kiss me?” ( 250, Nowlin ). Autumn and Finny were in different friend groups for many reasons. Autumn decided she didn’t want to be in the ‘popular’ friend group anymore. So she left and made some new friends. Autumn never dressed like everyone else either. “My boots are spray painted silver and my finger nails are black and so is my hair” ( 7, Nowlin ). People made fun of her for this but she never cared, she liked dressing in this quirky fashion if people liked it or not. I was a pretty girl, but I wasn’t popular. I was different from the others. I was a bit strange. I was different.” ( 13, Nowlin