Avoid Being Fired As A Parent Essay

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How to avoid being fired as a parent How to avoid being fired as a parent: Building respectful relationships to secure your family’s success and happiness Jenny Bailey © 2015 Jenny Bailey Edited by Joanna Yardley Back cover photo by Hayley Durack Disclaimer Every effort has been made to trace (and seek permission for use of) the original source of material used within this book. Where the attempt has been unsuccessful, the publisher would be pleased to hear from the author/publisher to rectify any omission. This book is dedicated to Rhys, without whom I would never have travelled this journey. On Children —Kahlil Gibran Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And …show more content…

There are significant downsides to this method of parenting, for both the parent and child, which will be discussed in the following chapter in this book. Authoritative or No-Lose Parenting Style There is a range of different names used to describe this type of parenting. I have chosen the term No-Lose Parenting as described by Dr Thomas Gordon. Other names for this parenting style includes Democratic or Authoritative (Baumrind) or the Guidance Approach (Porter). A No-Lose Parenting Style is characterised by: • A recognition that rewards and punishment don't work to manage children's behaviour. • Children behave to get their needs met and are not inherently naughty or bad. • Mistakes by children are inevitable because they have so much to learn, and mistakes are an integral part of learning. • Children, who are respected and listened to, will be respectful and considerate of their parents. • Children inherently want to please their parents. • Children need control over their own lives and do not want to be controlled. • Boundaries (or rules) are negotiated based on both the parent and child's