Aztec Mask Research Paper

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Title Aztec Masks STEM Topic Science: Earth’s Materials and Systems Technology: Creative Communication Duration 60 Minute Lesson Materials List Page pockets (2 per group) holding: Aztec Mask Directions Aztec Mask Template (1 per student) Black construction paper (1 sheet per student) Green construction paper (½ sheet per student) White paper (1 sheet per group) Scissors (1 per student) Glue (2 bottles per group) Pencil (1 per student) Schedule of Activities Introduction (10 min) Aztec Masks (40 min) Clean Up & Wrap Up (10 min) Objective Discover the process, materials and original uses for Aztec masks, while creating Aztec mask replicas. Aligned Standards (CCSS or NGSS, 1+) ISTE-S.6.b Students create original works or responsibly …show more content…

These types of features are common in Aztec art, and are thought to be representative of the culture’s the beauty standards. A lot of the masks were also colored with precious minerals and stones, like turquoise or jade, two valuable greenish-blue stones that was sacred to the Aztec people. Although precious stones were common decorative pieces, masks were also made up of many other materials, like stones and wood. Some of the most unique masks even contained materials like coral and gold. Once all the materials had been gathered, they would be pieced together, one by one, to form the features of the face, in what is known as a mosaic. The masks were also typically made to resemble a particular god, but because of the simplicity of their designs, it’s hard to tell exactly which god the mask represented. The Aztec people utilized all different forms of art to express their culture. From large monuments to pay tribute to their gods, to a vibrant and distinct culture, the history of the Aztec empire is rich, colorful and

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