
Background Reasearch

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Science Fair Assignment: Background Reasearch
The Scientists topic is making saltwater usable for plants. In this lab, the scientists will research whether boiling salt water will make it usable for plants. In this experiment Independent Variable is the salt water (1L). The dependent is how much salt is in the water (70g). The constants are the amount of water each plant gets (50 mL), the amount of sunlight, the same amount of seeds in each pot (5) and the constant is the pot watered with fresh water. Units used in this experiment are grams, liters and milliliters.
The hypothesis the scientists will be using for this experiment is if the scientists boil salt water then salt will concentrate and stay in the pot while the water evaporates (distillation)because during the process of distillation the liquid (water) turns into steam while the solid (salt) is left behind in the pot. After this we will let the evaporated water cool in a container and use the water to water the plants.
Similar experiments/inventions done by other scientists are testing the effects of salt water to plant growth. Aside from the fact that every plant has a different saline …show more content…

In order for evaporation to happen heat is necessary, you get find this in everyday appliance's such as microwaves, ovens and even the sun is a natural source of heat.. "Energy is used to break the bonds that hold water molecules together, which is why water easily evaporates at the boiling point (212° F, 100° C) but evaporates much more slowly at the freezing point."(U.S. Department of the Interior,2016). During the experiment, the saltwater being boiled in the water will turn into vapor, leaving all of the salt contents behind this also is the most efficient way of speeding up the evaporation process since the more heat is applied the faster the water turns into vapor, while less heat slows down the

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