Bacterial Conjunctivitis

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Differential diagnoses

The differential diagnoses for patient are bacterial conjunctivitis, allergic conjuntivities and chalazion. Bacterial conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the bulbar and or palpebral conjunctivas, include staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci and chlamydia that can cause eye redness (Suto, Marinaga, Yagi, Tsuji & Toshida, 2012). Allergic conjunctivitis is eye inflammation resulting from an allergic reaction to substances like pollen or mold spores. When itchy and watery (Hom, Nguyen & Bielory, 2012).

Chalazion is caused by the oil in the gland becoming too thick to flow out of the gland or the opening of the gland being obstructed, without anywhere to go, the oil builds up inside the gland and forms a lump in theyelid

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