Bad Blood Taylor Swift Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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Behind every song, there is a story that summarizes an event that happened to the singer. The story behind Taylor Swift’s song “Bad Blood” is all about breaking the trust and cheating. The music video for the song defined the theme of the words and their meaning, and what I liked the most is that both the lyrics and the video have the same story. In my own point of view, I think that the music video and lyrics complete the song and make the song different and have a special taste. Both the video which represents Taylor Swift’s reaction toward the unexpected betrayal and the words of the song delivered a life message. In my opinion, I think that the main point of the words and lyrics in the “Bad Blood” is the betrayal and how it changed the relationship. As what she was mentioned more than once, “You made a really deep cut, and now we got a bad blood” (Taylor Swift). As a result, there were many violent seconds in the video which is related to this theme and proves the change in the relationship. This happens, for instance, when she is wearing black and having the knife because she suffered from something, and this color refers to violence and hate. Based on that, I can say that the music video complements the song in a direct way. In addition to that, “Bad Blood” is all about …show more content…

I liked the song because I realized that if something changed in the relationship, it would affect the human behavior, and that was clear in song. The words that she was saying and the show that she was performed while singing is all about one concept. It is all about having someone who left you in the middle of the way; that is so painful, and that is what Taylor was trying to say by her beautiful song. From the song, I understood that what changed never came back