Bald Eagle Extinction

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Extinction of an animal or plant species occurs when there are no more individuals of that species alive anywhere in the world. The species has died out. It is a natural cause of evolution. Although they’re not many species to go extinct in Iowa, the modern day rate of extinctions is quite high. Many of the extinct animals listed people did not know were Iowans.

Blue Pike (Sander Vitreus Glaucus). Many of the Blue Pike fish lived in the Great Lakes as recently as the 1950’s. This fish was representing as much as 50% of the commercial catch out of Lake Erie. But, overfishing, pollution, and belated recovery efforts led to their extinction in 1976.

There are several birds who have fallen into the list of extinction. One of them is the Carolina …show more content…

This bird is also known as our national symbol. This large bird measures to 31-37 inches in length, the wingspan is six to seven and one-half feet. The adult bald eagles have dark brown bodies that contrast sharply with the white head and tail. You will find bald eagles generally around water such as rivers, reservoirs and lakes. Reasons for this bird to be put on the endangered list is because of the accumulation of organochlorine pesticides in fish, which bald eagles were feeding off of. Those pesticides interfered with the ability of the birds to produce viable eggs. Another reason is loss of nesting and wintering areas due to development along rivers. Indiscriminate shooting was responsible also for keeping the population down until the passage of the Bald Eagle Act of 1940. With that bald eagles have made a strong …show more content…

You can find this bird on cliffs along the Mississippi River and Cedar River. You can identify this bird by its dark head that appears hooded, they are about the size of a crow. Reasoning for listing is the use of DDT and similar pesticides. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources’ Nongame Program has been working on restoring the population for years now by breeding them. Another bird is the Piping Plover. This bird is a small pale-colored shorebird, about six to seven inches tall. You will find this bird on sandbars in rivers and sandy beaches bordering lakes, reservoirs and the Atlantic Ocean. The reason it 's been listed is because of the loss of sandbars along the Missouri River due to channelization and stabilization of the river has destroyed the natural nesting sites in Iowa. The efforts made to protect this bird is by continuing to protect the two known nesting areas.

Indiana Bats are also endangered. The Indiana Bat is a small dark gray or grayish brown bat with a wingspan of nine and one-half to ten inches. It’s easily confused with the little brown bat. More than 85% of its population hibernates in just seven locations in Indiana, Kentucky, and Missouri. Clearing of forest areas and natural or human caused disturbances have caused a significant reduction in their population. But the large wintering sites will continue to be protected to bring the population to a regular amount