Balloon Carpal Tunnelplasty Lab Report

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Balloon carpal tunnelplasty is an experimental technique that uses a minimally invasive balloon catheter director to access the carpal tunnel. As with a traditional tissue elevator/expander, balloon carpal tunnelplasty elevates the carpal ligament, increasing the space in the carpal tunnel. As an experiment it has been described but there are no peer reviewed series available in the current hand surgical literature that review or comment upon the procedure. The technique is performed through a one-centimeter incision at the distal wrist crease. It is monitored and expansion is confirmed by direct or endoscopic visualization. The technique's secondary goals are to avoid to incision in the palm of the hand, to avoid cutting of the transverse carpal ligament, and to maintain the biomechanics of the hand. Surgery choices
The most common surgery for relieving carpal tunnel symptoms involves cutting the transverse carpal ligament to relieve pressure on the median nerve in the wrist. Two approaches for this surgery are open carpal tunnel release surgery and endoscopic carpal tunnel release surgery. Open surgery requires a longer recovery period and leaves a larger scar than endoscopic surgery. But there may be less chance of other complications. …show more content…

This tunnel is narrow, so any swelling can pinch the nerve and cause pain. A thick ligament just under your skin called the carpal ligament makes up the top of this tunnel. First, you will receive numbing medicine so that you will not feel pain during surgery. You may be awake but you will also receive medicines to make you relax. The surgeon cuts through the carpal ligament to make more space for the nerve and tendons. This eases the pressure on the median nerve. Sometimes, tissue around the nerve is removed as well. Lastlly, the skin and tissue underneath your skin are closed with

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