Baltimore And Ohio Railroad During The Civil War

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Imagine this... Walking to school or work every single day! After a while it would get old, right? For me personally I hate walking far distances, and I would hope someone would invent a means of transportation, that would relieve me of the walk. In 1827 John W. Garret and William Patterson were the masterminds behind the invention of the first steam locomotive. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was a huge part of the Civil War and helped set the roots of West Virginia in so many ways. This railway was the nation's first carrier railroad ( The B & O railroad was a major transporter for the Civil War, it carried soldiers, weapons, and supplies from place to place. Because of the locomotive's railway, the eastern panhandle is shaped the way it is. Although the railway benefited America in so many ways, it also had its hardships, like attacks, and rail destruction. In the next few paragraphs I will introduce and explain the importance of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. …show more content…

Johnson 1). This big accomplishment made hundreds of thousands of Americans, and soldiers' lives easier on a day to day basis. During the Civil War the B & O Railway was used for many different things. From transporting soldiers from place to place, hauling weaponry to battle grounds, and being used publicly. Because the locomotive transported soldiers, it made a fast, less painful way to go from battle ground to battle ground. If it wasn’t for the locomotive it would take days, possibly weeks to march to their destination. It also relieved them of the pain of the heavy guns and cannons they would have had to drag alongside