Bandaged Ear Analysis

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Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird or Bandaged ear?
The Art Gallery of New South Wales has been given the opportunity to purchase an artwork either by a Mexican self portrait artist Frida Kahlo’s ‘Self portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird’ or a Dutch post impressionist painter Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Self Portrait with Bandaged Ear”.
“My Painting carries with it the message of pain”
Frida Kahlo is considered to be one of Mexicans greatest artists whom has an adoration for her Mexican Culture. She is acknowledged for her self portraits and her symbolic artworks that represents her pain and struggles by displaying her reality and personal life experiences through painting. Her artworks also explore the themes of Mexican nationalism, indigenous painting …show more content…

I shall succeed”
Vincent Van Gogh is recongised as a post impressionist painter whom struggled with mental illnesses. In 1880, Vincent Van Gogh decided to become an artist, as he concentrated on his paintings by using varieties of intense colours to illustrate his depression and pain. His techniques are expressionistic as he observes versions of reality. During his life, he went through a lot of mental health problems and attended psychiatric hospitals in most of his time.
Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘self portrait with Bandaged ear’, was painted shortly after he came back from the hospital having his ear mutilated. His ear was mutilated due to him cutting of his ear while staying at Arles and sending it to a woman as a gift. Within the painting, the bandage on his mutilated ear shows his pain and soreness.

Therefore, the art Gallery of New South Wales should purchase Frida Kahlo’s self portrait with thorns necklace and hummingbird, due to the fact that she expressed a lot of her emotions through her paintings. By her use of bold and vivid colours to help shape meaning into the artworks to influence the viewers’ perception and empathise with her