Use Of Figurative Language In On Compassion

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In Barbara Lazear Ascher's essay “On Compassion”, she describes various situations she's observed in New York City to imply that “compassion is not a character trait like a sunny disposition. It must be learned… adversity that becomes so familiar that we begin to identify and empathize it.” While observing these two scenes, Ascher expresses her admiration towards the curiosity behind compassion by availing pathos, use of questioning and variant figurative language to illustrate the encounters. Combine these two sentences.

Through the use of pathos, Ascher exemplifies a description of the homeless as dressed unwell, unhygienic, filthy, and acrid. During the first encounter, a mother is approached by a homeless man, and while she is about to cross the street. “...her hands close tighter on the stroller’s handle as she …show more content…

For example, “Was it fear or compassion that motivated the gift?” when the homeless man completed the transation of accepting the dollar. When she was at the French bread shop was it “Pity?,Care?, Compassion? Or does she simply want to rid her shop of his troublesome presence?” that compelled the owner of the shop to feed this homeless man. Although, if it were her intention of expulsion, she questions why the owner didn't chase the homeless out of her own shop then gift him with food. In the end, she connects these scenes to the common response to a hero’s fall during Greek Tragedy which was “There, but for the grace of God, go I.” used to acknowledge good fortune in avoiding the misfortune. “Could it be that the homeless, like those ancients, are reminding us of our common humanity? She answers this question stating that this is true, but homelessness doesn't end and the homeless do not go home. By questioning her audience, Ascher implies that compassion is inevitable to not