Barry Adams State Of Digital Rhetorical Analysis

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Barry Adams, in his article entitled “State of Digital” , does not blatently ever state that he is against neuromarketing but gives a strong suggestion throughout that that is his stance. He gives the current status of the situation and follows that with the questions that raise in his mind of if neuromarketing is ethical and where the line can be drawn to stop companies from potentially controlling every customer to buy their product. I believe that Adams proves his point very well as it is clear that he does have a belief on this topic, but he is not to overpowering with his opinion where it detracts from the validity of his claim. He doesn’t even ever give his opinion but uses rhetorical question to get the reader to go through the same thoughts that he went through to come to his conclusion. He also appeals to the consumers and the marketing professionals with pathos to how neuromarketing could be considered unethical and why something needs to be …show more content…

It is also apparent in packaging where color, text size, and images are what make someone pick up a certain product versus another or nothing at all. Like Adams, I believe that neuromarketing is unethical and even possibly to a greater extan than he. The idea that advertising companies are purposefully looking at the makeup of the brain and trying to figure out how they can get their consumers to buy their product the most is scary. They are working insanely hard to literally mind control the people and I am just mainly concerned for the point where that information and technology gets into the wrong hand and out of control. I think the companies should be more concerned with making a good product that people will like and want instead of depending on advertising and manipulation for

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