Barry's Batting Clean-Up And Striking Out

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According to “Men and women have different ways of cleaning a toilet. Women use bleach and rinse twice. Men just pee on the poop stain as hard as they can.” Men and women obviously have a differences between them when it comes to cleaning. Women tend to be more cautious when it comes to cleaning, while men just want to do the job the quickest way possible. “Batting Clean-Up and Striking Out” is an essay that compares and contrasts men and women’s views on their cleaning and level of interest in sports. In Barry’s essay the use of the point by point structure emphasizes how important each gender believes a certain topic is, which allows Barry’s essay to be humorous. If the essay was written in the subject by subject structure, Barry would have been forced to generalize the two genders instead of going into specifics. …show more content…

The purpose of Barry’s essay is to point out the difference that he believes men and women have between them, which are cleaning and the level of interest in sports: “The opposite side of the dirt coin, of course is sports. This is an area where men tend to feel very sensitive and women tend to be extremely callous” (249). By using this structure to construct the essay helped Barry gain numerous points towards the humorous category: “But somewhere during the growth process, a hormonal secretion takes place in women that enables them to see dirt that men cannot see, dirt at the level of molecules, whereas men don’t generally notice it until it forms clumps large enough to support agriculture” (249). Barry pokes fun of both genders sensitivity to dirt, which allows his essay to be