Bases Of Social Power In The Forgotten By David Baldacci

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John Puller, the protagonist in David Baldacci's popular fictional novel “The Forgotten,” demonstrates every leadership trait in the Bases of Social Power. John Puller, Army CID, is a gifted leader capable of wearing many hats. He has enough expertise and legitimacy to support coercive actions, and has no problems cashing in on his referent power to relay rewards to his followers.

The “Bases of Social Power” formed by J. R. P. French and B. Raven delineate five types of power bases that can give rise to leadership:

(1) “expert power, which is based on the perception that the leader possesses some special knowledge or expertise
(2) referent power, which is based on the follower’s liking, admiring, or identifying with the leader
(3) reward …show more content…

He is a Chief Warrant Officer for the United State's Army Criminal Investigation Command (Baldacci 2012). Puller is informed and seasoned in high-stakes criminal investigations. Puller's duties include investigations of serious felony level crimes, like human-trafficking, conducting sensitive investigations, collecting criminal intelligence, and developing countermeasures for combat. Puller is seen as an authority figure by most who meet him, even if they do not know his credentials. Puller's referent power enables him to glean information about his deceased aunt from Paradise, FL's Medical Examiner. ME Louise Timmins researched Puller before their meeting: “I checked you out, Agent are absolutely terrific at what you do, and that tenacity doesn't come close to describing your intensity when on the hunt (Baldacci 2012, p.128).” People want to help John Puller and see him as a legitimate leader, someone worthy of exercising influence over them.. His referent power is as important as his legitimacy, and just as indicative of his follower's faith as his reward power. Puller is generous with rewards to those who follow; he genuinely has the best interest of innocents in mind. While investigating his aunt's death, Puller stumbled upon the attempted sexual assault of a young girl named Isabel. Three men attacked her while her small brother Mateo watched, and Puller quickly stopped the men from raping