Basketball Experiment For Basketball

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The purpose of this experiment is to test which practice schedule is more effective for skill progression. The experiment is done by having 2 different subjects shoot 100 free throws on day 1 to get a starting percentage. One subject then shoots 30 free throws 5 times per week and the other shoots 75 free throws 2 times a week. On the last day of the experiment each subject shoots another 100 free throws and the difference in percentage of start to finish is calculated. A free throw by definition is a shot that requires for a player to shoot behind a special line, called the foul line, into the basket. The foul line is 3,96 meters away horizontally from the backboard. A free throw is a free shot as a defender is not allowed to block or …show more content…

One of the rules is looked back on as the first idea of a free throw. This free throw was different as the one that we know today as the team wouldn’t actually receive a free shot, but the would receive a free point. This rule was officially quoted by Naismith as "if three fouls were committed by one team without the other team having committed a foul, the team that was fouled should receive one point."(1). However later throughout the years, Naismith had decided that the player getting fouled would receive a 20 foot, 6 meter, shot and if it was made, it would count as a field goal (2 points) The distance decreased in 1895 as the free throw line was to 15 feet. In 1896 the rule changed again as now the made free throw would only be counted as 1 point. There was a bit of a bonus rule added for the next 29 years as teams would be given the option to who would shoot the free throw. Teams could choose which player in the team would be able to shoot the free throw regardless of who is fouled. In 1924 however, they changed the rule to making the player who was fouled shoot the free …show more content…

An important factor to look at is a theory called the Schema Theory. The Schema Theory, developed by Schmidt in 1977, has 3 factors that explain the skill development of human being. These 3 factors are called Generalized Motor Program, Recall Schema and the Recognition Schema. The Generalized Motor Program is the technique development that happens in your body. If you learn a new technique like shooting a basketball. This motor program saves that technique and the more you practice, the smoother this program will run. The Generalized Motor Program is adjustable as it can run the technique in different varieties depending on the situation the shooter is in. This program will adjust to the situation (distance from basket, position of the shooter, etc). The next factor is called the Recall Schema. The Recall Schema happens as the motion of the shot is happening and the shooter starts processing the information. Information like how far do i need to shoot the ball and how much of an arc do I need to shoot the shot at. The Recall schema starts simple with the Initial Condition as it goes over the distance, condition of the court, and the condition of the player. Then it goes to the Response Specification as it goes to accurate detail like speed of shot and small details like spin of ball