Batman Observation

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As I finished the Batman joke, I saw that the patient still had an unamused face, and it seemed that he held his stomach tighter.
I told that joke all week to ease patients, but it only made this child agitated.It was my fifth day at my medical assistant internship, and I was still partially doing my job wrong, but I was able to get all my patients to laugh or smile.As I struggled to place the barometer cuff on the bend of the boy’s elbow and the stethoscope under the cuff, I asked his mother why they came for a visit.

" He is coughing again. I am not sure if the enterovirus has left his system or if it is because of allergies " she explained.

" He came in here with a cough last week and then we went to Atlanta Children's Hospital. They released him the other day, but he has not gotten better."

Enterovirus, …show more content…

I found her discussing local Mexican food for lunch, with the nurse.

“ Dr. Wilson, the lady came in saying her son had enterovirus.”

The doctor then explained that I was not supposed to enter that room and made me wash my hands, thoroughly a second time. As she put on her mask and gloves, I asked her if I could go in with her. Although she was initially reluctant, she said yes. After I had put on a mask and gloves, we walked into the room and talked to the little boy. The doctor asked him some questions relating to his health and then checked his nose and throat.

Once the doctor finished, I tested his lung’s capacity by making him blow on a napkin and make observing if it waved like a flag while the doctor listened to his lungs from the anterior and posterior. As the visit concluded, I attempted one last time to alleviate his gloomy mood. As the doctor explained to the mom that the symptoms are from allergies, I handed the patient a Frozen lollipop and sticker.

"Can I get a different one? " he asked.

" You do not like Frozen. I thought all little boys liked Frozen."

" No” he exclaimed with a