Battle Of Gettysburg Informative Essay

824 Words4 Pages

Hazel Treumann
Writing- 9
December 19, 2017

7 Interesting Facts About the Battle of Gettysburg

A rusty bullet flies out of a gun. A man in a blue uniform falls on the ground, blood coming from his left shoulder. Frightened shrieks echo through the field. The Battle of Gettysburg was a significant battle in the American Civil War, the war lasting from 1861-1865. Even though it is widely-known, most people don't know some of the most interesting parts of this battle.

The battle caused a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Typically in war, shorter battles cause less damage than longer battles. But that was not the case with this battle. The Battle of Gettysburg was only three days long. It lasted from July 1st - July 3rd, 1863, taking place in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. A single day of battle - the first - was the most deadly, killing almost more people than the second and third day combined, In total, the death count from both sides was around 51,000 soldiers. Most battles this short do not kill such …show more content…

The battle was very brutal. Compared to the 51,000 soldiers killed at the Battle of Gettysburg, only around 12,000 people died in the Battle of Guadalajara in the Spanish Civil War. The large number of casualties was from the Confederate troops repeatedly charging into the Union soldiers and the Union soldiers fighting back. After the three days of the battle, many bodies lay throughout the field. Just by walking past the battlefield, you would be able to sense how horrible and gruesome this tragic battle was.

3. It's one of the largest battles ever fought in America. The Battle of Gettysburg is one of the largest battles ever to be fought in the US. There were a total of 165,620 soldiers that fought in the battle. Around 87,000 of them were Union soldiers. Some other terrible battles in America include the Battle of Stones River in 1863 and the Battle of The Wilderness in 1864.

4. The Civil War started because of