Battle Of Hastings Research Paper

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The Battle of Hastings, October 1066

William had assembled a huge invasion fleet. This may have initially been gathered on the River Dives and at St Valery but by 25 September it was moored at St Valery waiting for a southerly or easterly wind. In the last week of September William got that wind, and William gave the signal for his fleet to set sail. It would take two days for the fleet to be in sight of the south coast of England and four to five hours longer before his navigators pointed out the safe haven of Pevensey which the duke had chosen as the best landing place for his invading fleet.

He needed a reasonably flat, sheltered cove but one that had towns which could victual his army within a maximum of half a day away yet would not require him to mount a siege in order to force his beach head. The landing on Pevensey was uneventful save for an incident which William would turn to his advantage, where he tripped as he stood on the sand and promptly turned his stumble into a kiss of the sand before him. His troops loved him for that.

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