Battle Of Hoxington Concord Essay

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History Story #1 Battle of Lexington Concord: During the wee hours of April 19 1776, Prescott warned all of the American Colonists to watch up because Prescott shouted, “The regulars are coming watch out, you will get captured and probably killed if you do nothing about it and just stay still. So, the American Colonists evacuated the place and went to a carriage! They had to come back to get the smoked fish which may have not been the best decision. So, Prescott and his other partners in a carriage to their location so they could be free and away from all of the British troops so that the British couldn’t find them or kill them. Two lanterns meant the british were attacking by sea, and if there was just one lantern that meant the british …show more content…

The Hessian forces numbered at 1,400 with the leader of Johann Hall. Man of British were unprepared for the British attack and caught by surprise by George Washington and the Colonial army which was very unexpected. At the start of the Battle of Trenton, George Washington divided his men into groups, sending certain generals to locations that he thought the British would never think that the generals would be located. Rall the leader attempted to rally his troops but was never really able to ever establish a defense border from the British. Therefore, the british could’ve attacked from just about any location they wanted to. Later in the war, the Hessians were quickly shot, most wounded or killed. In total of all of the Hessians, 22 were killed, 92 were wounded, 918 captured, and 400 of the Hessians found a way to escape the war. On all top the that, 2 American were somehow frozen to death and 5 were wounded. After this big battle in Trenton, The American Colonists took away prisoners, and supplies but withdrew from the Next war which was the Battle of Princeton. In all, Washington and his army went back to the winter headquarters so they could survive the winter and be safe from all of the potential british attacks that your never know could happen. Trenton once again was known as a Trick play because the british never knew this attack would ever happen as well as losing the war which made the British feel very