
The Boston Massacre And The Stamp Act Of 1765

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In the video, there were multiple specific details explained about the American Revolution. I learned about key events, figures, and challenges that were faced during the fight for independence. It reveals the struggles faced to gain freedom, how much influence a person like Washington had and more. More in depth details were shared about crucial moments such as the Stamp Act of 1765, the Sons of Liberty, the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, and more. And how all these events that took place and led to what we are today, and for that, we should be forever grateful. One of the very first impactful events that took place was the Stamp Act of 1765, which triggered a rebellion in the American colonies because of “taxation without representation”. …show more content…

The Boston Tea Party, was an act of resistance against British taxation, worsened hostilities and laid the groundwork for conflict between the colonies and Britain. In addition, The Boston Massacre was misrepresented as a massacre, it was fueled with anti-British sentiment and marked the first casualties in the American Revolution. These events heightened colonial resentment toward British rule and fueled calls for greater autonomy and independence. These tensions kept growing until the colonies started fighting the British in 1775, aiming to break away and form their own country. In addition, The Battle of Trenton, was where Washington's Continental Army surprised and defeated the Hessian forces. This victory marked a turning point in the war, boosting morale and establishing Washington as a respected leader. The Battle of Trenton illustrates Washington's strategic genius and determination to continue fighting for independence. In 1776, people felt cautiously hopeful despite big challenges ahead for the revolution, which was the beginning of change for the rest of

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