
Battle Of Jutland Essay

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The reason why the battle of jutland was fought was because it was believed that Britain had power all around the world and the germans thought that they could defeat them. Therefore both ships sent fast cruisers to spot the enemy fleets and once they were found, the battle begun On May 31st, 1916. Three things I’m going to write about are what both sides of ships what were the basic details before the war, what happened during the war and what happened after the war. About 250 ships and 100,000 men were involved in the battle of Denmark’s North sea coast. This was a major Naval event during the history of world war I. On May 31, 1916 a battle had began when 2 fleets had clashed and had started a war between German and British forces which …show more content…

The Germans also had lost one of its good ships and almost lost two other good ships. “Both fleets clashed again as the Germans sailed for port. The German ship “Lutzow” was sunk. “Seydlitz” and “Derfflinger” were badly damaged” (History Learning Site). After the war had finished and both teams were claiming victories from their perspective of view. The Germans were saying that they had sunk more valuable ships so the victory should go to them. “British losses amounted to 6,784 men and 111,000 tons, and German losses to 3,058 men and 62,000 tons” (History, nd.). The British were saying that the victory should be theirs because they were worthy of ruling the North sea coast. “Jellicoe claimed that the victory belonged to the British as his fleet was still a seaworthy entity whereas the German High Seas fleet was not.”Although the British had lost more ships than the Germans, they still had a point about germans facing them again “But the German fleet was never again to be in a position to put to sea and challenge the British Navy in the North Sea.” (History Learning Site) Clearly, the battle of Jutland resulted in a victory to both the British and the

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