Battle Of Pea Ridge Essay

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The Battle of Pea Ridge was between the Union and Confederate armies, and they fought for two days straight near a highland which was known as Pea Ridge. The Union was under the control of General Curtis and was successful in regaining their land that they lost to the Confederates. Both forces suffered losses and even general lost their lives in the battle. “Confederates suffered 2,000 casualties, including General McCulloch, Brigadier General James McQueen Mclntosh, and Brigadier General William Slack” (Civil War Timeline). “Union forces emerged victorious, losing 1,384 men” (Civil War Timeline). This battle was the most important because the defense of Missouri for the Union, the result would be control for the next two years. “In defeat, General Van Dorn was called …show more content…

The Cherokees fought for the South. “The war's largest battle west of the Mississippi was fought at Pea Ridge in March 1862” (The Civil War). December came during 1862, and there were more than 11,000 Confederates at Prairie Grove battling the Union “More than 11,000 Confederates battled Union forces at Prairie Grove in a failed attempt to prevent federal occupation of Fort Smith” (The Civil War). Arkansas and Missouri held for the Union when a strength commanded by General James G. Blunt held militaries of Confederates under General Thomas Hindman at the Battle of Prairie Grove. Hindman collected an army at Fort Smith to challenge to recollect the region that was lost during the campaign of early 1862. He was in preparation of a move, his army which consisted of 11,000 strong, and cross the Boston Mountains and advanced Blunt’s 5,000 weak. He was about to plot a raid, but he was confronted by shock, by the tactic of the Union strengths. This was on of the historical marches in the whole war, General Francis Herron who was a Unionist moved soldiers. The 7,000 were moved hundreds of miles away in three and a half