Research Paper On The Battle Of Lookout Mountain

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The Battle of Chattanooga was a very important battle part of the Civil War. Inside that battle were a few other important small battles, one being the Battle of Lookout Mountain. The Battle of Lookout Mountain was important in helping get an advantage in the Battle of Chattanooga. This battle was also significant for many reasons. In this battle, each side progressed a lot for each side to end up where they were when the battle was over. The Battle of Lookout Mountain was significant for many reasons. One being that it helped gain an advantage in the Battle of Chattanooga. The Battle of Lookout Mountain was also very famously known as the “Battle Above the Clouds” because the day the battle took place it was very, very foggy, where it was hard to see the battle take place. The mountain was not only foggy, but it was very high up in elevation, being 1,350 feet high, which made fighting tough. There was also a very rough terrain on the mountain, also making it hard to battle. This battle was not very close, or much less fair. The Union swept the Confederates in this battle because of the advantages their number. The casualties of this battle were fairly small, being 408 with the Union and 1,251 with the Confederates. …show more content…

It opened the gateway into the deep south. It also linked with and assisted in the Battle of Missionary Ridge. A reconnaissance overran the Confederate position on Orchard Knob. This gave confederate general (Braxton Bragg) doubts about the strength of his line on Missionary Ridge. Bragg moved General William H. T. to Lookout. If Grant won the Battle of Missionary Ridge, then it would force the Confederates to surrender on Lookout. The Battle of Lookout Mountain also lifted the Union