Becoming A Veterinarian

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“Each dream is a spark, and the many sparks start a flame that is pure,unique, and consists of your identity” - Unknown. Dreams create who we are. They are the reasons behind our actions, and the determining factors in many choices. But all of our dreams started as sparks of passion in our childhood. For me it was the bright white basketball jersey and speaking basketball shoes that sparked my dream of becoming a varsity basketball player. It was the vibrant blue and how the silver buttons shimmered under the Friday night lights that sparked my interest in music. Ir was the loss of my dog, and childhood best friend, that sparked my lifelong dream in becoming a Veterinarian. All of these dreams became the fire of who I am. They drive me as an individual, and like fire some dreams will grow bigger and brighter, and some will be extinguished into a pile of ash. …show more content…

I became the girl I envisioned with my bright white jersey and squeaking basketball shoes. But that dream Burnt out my senior year, as I would not share my dream of playing varsity basketball due to heath related reasons. My aspirations of being in the marching band was achieved as a freshman in high school. This dream transformed into wanting the superior rating a state, which was achieved 2 of the 3 times attempted. My dream of becoming a Veterinarian has become something I build my whole life around. It is the biggest fire within me. My love for animals grew as I did, whether it was playing with the dogs or feeding our alpacas, my passion for animals grew. Only time will tell is the fire will flourish or be