Bedroom Room Analysis

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Approximately 6:00 am on 9/26/2017, while in my bathroom, I noticed someone stomp into a room overhead. I left the room and returned. The person seemed to be mimicking my actions again, as I prepared for work. Today's instance was just one of a continues series of events, in fact, this is something I have become to expect. I think these individuals choose times of the day when I am the least mobile. Like the morning while I prepare for work. I am most likely showering, shaving, or ironing or concentrating otherwise on a time-sensitive task. Today, I left the room to make sure that it was not a coincidence. As I discovered it was not, I returned to the bathroom to finish preparing for the day. I usually work from a desk in an empty room in the back of my unit. However, recently I have noticed someone dropping things on the floor and making other loud noises every time I enter that room, so to avoid the disruptions, I decided to work from the dining/living area in the front of the unit. I do this also to confirm my thinking that an individual(s) is deliberately following me from one or more than one of the upstairs units. …show more content…

After I finished preparing for work at around 7:20 am, I moved to the front area, logged onto my laptop and my work laptop to begin teleworking. Minutes after logging on, I heard someone open one of the doors to the above unit (I believe the unit number is #3881 according to the label facing Buckman). Like other days, the individual entering the unit above closed the door loudly and appeared to stomp toward the area where I began working. I believe this person intends to announce themselves and jostle me from my activities or back into the other room, where I am usually more