Bedside Reporting Paper

1981 Words8 Pages

Bedside reporting has been shown to improve communication and quality of handoff between nurses. It is also credited to promote patient safety and improve patient satisfaction. Patient satisfaction, patient safety and nursing communication and quality of report from a 32 bed surgical hospital in Dallas, Texas is to be evaluated using various surveys, HCAHPS scores, incident reports, and call light logs. Data will be collected 2 months prior and 6 months following the implementation of bedside report. Scores and communication survey results will be reviewed in this time period to determine increases or decreases from pre-implementation results using traditional nurse-to-nurse report.. The projected goals and outcomes of this project are to increase quality of report, increase patient safety and increase patient satisfaction.

This paper proposes to outline the impact of a standardized bedside reporting system that involves the patient as opposed to the age-old report method conducted at the nurse’s station between only nurses. Evaluation of this impact includes quality …show more content…

(2010). Johnson (2015) and Evans et al. (2012) discuss the overall process of implementation of a bedside report along with outcomes. Johnson (2015) however, additionally highlights Lewin’s change model in the study. Friesen, White, and Byers (2008) reveal issues with different methods of report and their implications and Racco (2014) discusses the bedside safety check process. Ferris (2013) portrays the importance of inter-professional involvement in the transition process and Butao et al. (2010) expounds on compliance with Joint Commission goals within their study of bedside reporting. All of these studies showed positive outcomes in relation to the new method of