Beep Monologue

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Dreaming, I’m dreaming. Open your eyes, kick off your blankets, sit up. Now

stand. Now change out of your wet clothes. Now head down stairs for some coffee.

That all sound good, but my body isn’t doing what it’s told to do. Damn, I will never

drink again.

Beep….. Beep….. Beep…..

Yes! Now we are getting somewhere. You are dreaming and your alarm is going off to wake you from this horriable dream.

Beep…. Beep… Beep…

Hello! Its time to get up and turn off your alarm…

Beep… Beep… Beep…

What the hell is wrong with you? Your alarm is going off and you’re not moving.
If you want to be lazy at least turn the alarm off before you go crazy from the sound.

Reaching out my hand toward my night stand. Moving it around, …show more content…

A whole lot of nothing happens. If I could open my eyes, I could

see my target.

Ok Jake, this is getting serious. You can open your eyes. You can sit up.
You can turn your alarm off. Hell, you can’t move at all. Something is wrong with you. It’s time to freak the hell out.

Beep… Beep… Beep…

“Will someone turn that damn think off.” I yell at the top of my lungs. I’m not sure why

I’m yelling, no one can hear me. Wow that feels good. My very cold fingers are rubbing

my eyes now. Finally. Why are my fingers wet? Am I crying? Noooo, no way, I don’t

cry. I bet my fingers are wet from my clothes being wet from my cold sweats.

Beep… Beep… Beep…

Keep on beeping, I’m a so going to break you once my eyes are open.

I watch a white cloth move away from my eyes as they finally open. No, that can’t be

a cloth. Why would a cloth be on my eyes? Wait, I could have a cloth on my eyes. I bet

I put it on last night knowing I would wake up needing it. No wonder my eyes felt so

heavy. Blinking my eyes a couple time’s for my full vision to finally come back.. Why is

my ceiling only wood and pipes? Was I that drunk last night that I tore my ceiling …show more content…

“So I must be dreaming and you in it?”

“A nightmare that has become your reality and I am the boogyman,” He chuckles

“Ok, boogyman,” I snicker. “If I’m not dreaming and I’m not paralyzed and I’m not

in a hospital then where am I?” My voice is calming sounding because I know this is

a dream.

“You’re in my basement and your new home. You’re also strapped to the bed that will

someday be the bedding for your coffen.” His words make my heart start pounding like

a drum that’s being used in a rock concert. I’m afraid it my burst from my chest.

This is a dream? A very bad dream. Jerking my body like a person with eplepsie,

trying to wake up from this night mare. My stomach muscles start to burn like fire the

more I jerk around. If this was a dream my pain wouldn’t feel so real, and it does.

What the hell is going on? “Am I dreaming or am I awake?” I shout, Im so damn


“Let me pull up my my chair and I’ll answer all your questions.” The man tells me

as I hear a loud scrapping sound come closer and closer to me. When the noise stops

the man come into view. When did he walk away from me? I never seen him