Being A Nonconformist Essay

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Americans today tend to believe that being a conformist has no consequences. Little do they know it can get you killed. For example, in the fire experiment this guy conformed to the actors and stayed there with them instead of running like his original plan. If it would have been a real fire, they would have all died. If there were to be a nonconformist in that man 's position he would have left that room as quick as he possible. In my opinion,we need nonconformist to succeed in this society- we need to show them love! We would truly be lost without them. When it comes to the topic of conformity, most of us will readily agree that we want to be different/nonconformist. However, not everyone can do that because we have lost our individuality, ourselves, to be misplaced or to fit in. One nonconformist I have read about is Leopard Man. Logan Feys describes Leopard Man as “free man,” or “no ordinary freak.” Leopard Man is unique and he shows it, he is tattooed from head to toe with leopard spots. Leopard Man has seceded from society, he …show more content…

Unfortunately, we are living in a society where “we are under constant pressure to surrender our individuality to the will of the majority, the school, the workplace, and the family”(Feys par.6). Although some people stay a nonconformist because they do not care what other people think. The author of the article, “Individually vs Conformity: A Healthy Middle?” argues that although it is difficult to “delicate balance between complete individuality and complete uniformity”(par.7). I agree with this article, however; the author over exaggerates that this “Healthy Middle” is truly hard to find. I believe you can enjoy society and be yourself at the same time, I know Feus would agree with me on this one. In “The Sociology of Leopard Man,” he reminds us that, “One can enjoy the benefits modern society offers without becoming dependant on society, but it takes a strong will”(par 9). However; not a lot of us have this “strong will”