Bells Palsy: A Case Study

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Harvey Leonard Miguel, A child with unique talents this includes, an amazing memory which has been slowly developing after I had been diagnosed with Epilepsy in the beginning of high school in 2013 and Bells Palsy in 2014, I am a fast learner and a better applier. In the fall of 2014 I was diagnosed to have Bells Palsy which is the facial paralysis of only one side of my face. Ridiculed, called Harvey Dent, otherwise known as Two-Face from DC Comics a foe of the iconic Batman. Bells Palsy just like Epilepsy has an unknown origin, doctors do not know what cause it and all they can do is estimate how they can cure it. They had given me face steroids to give me control over some portion of my face. At that moment Bells Palsy represented my life, one side good, the other side frozen, kept …show more content…

I have had Epilepsy my whole life, but is not as easily triggered as it was when I entered high school. Ive had over 5 seizures in my life. Epilepsy is never a blessing, however it is not a malediction where I have learned to live with it, I have learned learn what triggers it and how I can become more in touch with myself. My freshman year of high school I had a seizure at my friends house, it was the first seizure since I was four. I was woken up from my unconscious state and I had started to cry because I was hurt and there was a big gash on my cheek from my body hitting the floor. I had been hospitalized for a week, a week without school, a week I would have to explain to teachers and students of why I was absent. A week with the teasing and the flashing of various iPhone flashlights in my eyes to try to give me a seizure. The neurologist at the hospital wanted to run an electroencephalogram (EEG) for me to measure my brain activity and determine if I needed