When observing Gregory Crewdson picture, I found it disturbing and it led me to many questions. Questions that I asked myself, also a friend to see if we had similar opinions about the picture. I asked my friend Eunice Jijon-Jarquin to give me her initial reaction of the picture. The first thing she notices where the old man and the young lady in the back group. She claimed from looking at the photograph that the artist was trying to present the allusion saying that of depression, mainly Eunice observed, the colors Crewdson choose a dark color scheme, but will there be a source of light in the background where the women are sitting. Eunice that she believes “The colors can represent the old man, and how he is sad. While in the background …show more content…
The photo I observed was untitled, though sound later the name “The Father” was given to the piece. This photo comes from one of Crewdson’s collections called “ 'Beneath the Roses” which was presented to the public in 2007. In this collection, Crewdson differs in the way traditional photographs are taken. Crewdson brings in elaborate sets and all very well-known people instead of him seeing his pictures are still shots, he sees them as instances “frozen in time, (where) there 's no before or after and has turned that restriction into a unique strength (Gregory Crewdson).” In art promotion for an art exhibition at, The San Diego Museum of Art, they describe Crewdson’s work as “Crewdson works within a photographic tradition that combines the documentary style of William Eggleston and Walker Evans with the dreamlike vision of filmmakers such as Steven Spielberg and David Lynch… Each image is polished and technically perfect, but still somewhat undone–leaving the viewer to envision what comes before and after. The author.” From reading the techniques he uses, and the color seem, it is as though the artist wants his audience to viewing the art piece and not the only question what is happening in the art piece now, but also before this scene the picture was taken and what happens