Beneath The Surface Chapter Summary

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Research shows that a better way of establishing proactive leaning is by active participation to the subject. For example, after elaborating on a subject; students will show understanding based on how they respond to questions appropriately. In fact, I agree with the author that "language can be typified as a good domain of communication." However, for the English language learners; that way of communication if not address efficiently can affect students' learning abilities. As a result, chap 2 of the book Beneath The Surface focused on these following principles to deliberate. Principle 1 focused on the predictable and supportable process to begin second language learning. The principle explained the factors implicated in learning a new …show more content…

However, teachers need to focus on certain difficulties such as: Silent Period, Affective Filter, Mistakes that pull the language learners back vs. the young children. Following is the 2 principle which emphasized that: Language can be described as having a domain of communicative proficiency as well as a domain of academic proficiency; however, proficiency in on does not guarantee proficiency in the other. This means, the principle emphasized on the difference between proficiency and the academic learning to explain how a CLD or ESL students may be able to significantly communicate outside a classroom while struggling in the classroom. In order to assist with the problem, the author provided some study process which consist of the BICS vs. CALP learning methods he believed are useful to help during the learning process. Principle 3 in addition stated that: The development of language is directly tied to sociocultural development. This means, we all learn differently. Therefore, teachers need to pay attention to culture differences which have a big impact on how students learn. As a result the author proposed that teachers should adjust their instruction method in order to find ways to explicitly help every student to