
Benjamin Franklin: Great Leaders Who Make A Difference In History

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Throughout history, there has been the few brave and courages individuals to stand up for what is right for their country. Some died for the cause while others died trying to inspire others for their freedom—unsuccessfully. For those like MLKJ, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and many more manage to change the world and make a difference in history. These proud leaders wanted to be treated right like everyone else and they set their goals to help others become free and independent people. Benjamin franklin during the Revolutionary period was a writer, scientist, inventor, printer, and statesman. He was the youngest in the household. He spent most his time being his big brothers apprentice for his printing trade at age twelve. At a young age, he developed writing skills and made essays to his brother’s newspapers. At seventeen, he moved to Philadelphia were he made his business in printing. Frank soon became very rich and wealthy. He conducted experiments with electricity and created the lighting rod. He was the founder of the first American subscription library and helped in founding the University of Pennsylvania. He wanted to the colonies to be able to govern theirselves and not rely on Great Britain. He spent eighteen …show more content…

He was a slave during his younger years and had lack of stability and was sold multiple times as slave. God was his only protector and who he could call on. He got enough money to be able to buy his freedom and became a free man. While being free, he wrote his best selling book in 1789 called The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano. He supported the British anti slave trade movement to end slave trades. As an Abolitionist, he was part of the group called the Sons of Africa he wanted slaves to be free or at least be treated as men. He died at the age of fifty-two in Middlesex, a country in the south-east

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